If your organization is like a lot of retailers, you may just be settling in after spending a lot of time, effort and cost implementing EMV. Or maybe “settling in” is a bit strong of a term, since many of the processes surrounding EMV haven’t been completely sorted out and companies are still trying to determine the standards and plans for software updates, patches and the like.
Then comes the recent announcement of EMV 2.0 and, understandably, some companies got a bit nervous about this new release. What does EMV 2.0 mean for their EMV 1.0 implementation? What’s changed? Do they have to go through yet another all-consuming project?
In this article for Point of Sale News, Kimberly Berneck discusses what EMV 2.0 is and isn’t, which retailers are most effected, and the key parts of your business plan that can help you decide whether you need to take immediate action.